
HIDROSED is a group of measurement and modeling of hydrological and sedimentological processes of the semiarid region of Brazil , headquartered in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Ceará . The group works in partnership with national research ( mainly through REHISA - Network of Semi-Arid Hydrology ) and international institutions ( Germany , Spain, Netherlands , Cuba , for example) . In HIDROSED searches are developed to evaluate the availability of water in the Brazilian semiarid region and identify the influence of erosion and sediment yield in surface water supply reservoirs . The researches carried out have enabled a better understanding of the dominant processes, assessment of the impacts caused by land use on water availability in reservoirs and consequent generation of essential information for the management of water resources in the region of climate semiárido.Veja interview with Prof. . José Carlos Araújo and Pr . George Leite Mamede on damming and hydrological networks .